Domain Names
What is a domain name?A domain name is a website's "address" on the internet.
Domain names are translated into an IP Address or Internet Protocol Address: this string of identifying numbers i.e. directs the computer to the host server, exactly where the website located. This translation is performed dynamically by a service called DNS or Domain Name System.
Anyone can register a domain name for their website, though they must be renewed every year or every few years. Domain names are registered, leased or rented, never owned.
How Domain Names work:
Imagine if everybody used their Social Security number instead of their name... Domain Names were invented to fill a similar need of ease-of-remembrance on the Internet. Most computers connected to the Internet are identified by a unique number called an IP address i.e. IP addresses are neither intuitive (they don't correspond to a geographical location) nor easy to remember. If you type the IP address into the URL bar of your browser you will be taken to the web site it is assigned to.

Please open the How IP Addresses Work PDF version
by clicking the image, this link or on the attached PDF listed below.
As well as being difficult to remember, IP addresses are also FIXED (i.e. if you change web hosting companies you'll need to get a new IP address for your website). Domain Names offer a more intuitive way to name and find a website. Each domain name replaces a string of digits, an IP address, with a simple word or expression.
What is DNS or Domain Name System?
A method for us humans to enter only full or partial names of websites versus remembering each and every specifically numbered IP Address. When you search for ESQSites or type into the URL field, your computer connects to the server using ESQSites' correlated assigned IP number. It's wonderful for us to avoid remembering a string of digits!
What is a URL?
URL is an acronym; the letters stand for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL could be any kind of link to any kind of page on the internet. If you've been surfing the Web, you have undoubtedly heard the term URL and have used URLs to access HTML pages from the Web. It's often easiest, although not entirely accurate, to think of a URL as the name of a file on the World Wide Web because most URLs refer to a file on some machine on the network. However, remember that URLs also can point to other resources on the network, such as database queries and command output.
Note: Within a URL, the protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes. The protocol identifier indicates the name of the protocol to be used to fetch the resource. There are many different protocols, i.e. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), etc.
What is WHOIS? is an online database of Domain Names and related registration details.
How much does a domain name cost from ESQSites?
ESQSites can manage the set-up and renewal of Domain Name(s) for you. Basic and Standard level subscribers can register their initial Domain Name at $35 per year; subsequent multiples are discounted by $10 costing only $25 each per year. Premium level subscribers can enjoy their first Domain Name FREE for the first year, with subsequent multiples costing only $25 each per year, again when ESQSites manages Domain Name registration(s).
Using ESQSites as your Domain Name manager has the added value of never having your website go down due to a lapse in Domain Name renewal. A lapse in renewing a registered Domain Name allows the website Domain Name to go back in to the available pool of for others to capture and register as theirs. There can be fees to re-capture a lapsed Domain Name; immediate action will typically cost less to nothing versus waiting over a month.
How much time do I have to reclaim an expired domain name?
Ahhh yes, the dreaded, and costly term Reclamation Fee, let's discuss this in detail to help you avoid this 3rd party fee of $100+ and keep your website "up and live". When ESQSites' customers retain their Domain Name registration with a 3rd party (i.e. GoDaddy to NetworkSolutions, etc.) you must pay your registrar on time, outside of ESQSites.
We're sorry, but reclamation (getting your Domain Name back after expiration) is your responsibility as it is an agreement you have outside of us. And, we hope you manage your 3rd party registrar Domain Name renewal payments with the same tenacity and cognizance as you give to ESQSites.
If payments lapse with the 3rd party registrar, here's what happens, ...brace yourself... your website can go down because a website cannot function without a Domain Name, so please read on:
It's best to reclaim your Domain Name within 5 days or under one week after expiration, as this grace period may help you avoid fees, the "parking page" and uninterrupted services, like email. While reclamation can occur under 30 days or less after expiration, usually, your page is "parked", services have been disconnected and you will incur costly renewal and recapture fees. Around 35 days after expiration, Domain Names move in to "redemption" mode; Basically, you've lost your Domain Name and it is available for registration to everyone, including yourself.
We're so sorry, but it's up to you to work out your reclamation (getting your Domain Name back after expiration) with your 3rd party registrar; if we can help with an explanation or a transfer, please contact ESQSites.

Please open the Domain Name Reclamation Time Line PDF version by clicking the image, this link or on the attached PDF listed below.
Domain Name
ESQSites can register Domain Name(s) for you! Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Registration Cost FAQ or Domain Name Registration Instructional.
Does ESQSites offer Domain Name registration?
Yes. ESQSites can register Domain Name(s) for you! Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Registration Cost FAQ or Domain Name Registration Instructional.
What does a Domain Name cost?
Domain Name registration is typically $12 to $40 per year depending on terms and conditions. Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Registration Cost FAQ.
I have existing Domain Name, how will ESQSites know my Domain Name?
ESQSites can host a website for you whether we are your Domain Name manager or not. When you complete your ESQSites website order online, you will have the opportunity to enter your Domain Name after you select the option titled, "Use Your Existing Domain Name". Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Transfer Instructional.

If you register your Domain Name using a 3rd party company, please be cognizant of managing your renewals, payments and updates on your own, outside of ESQSites. If you need assistance with an existing Domain Name, please email ESQSites or call 877.ESQ.Sites.
Can I transfer my Domain Name management from another registrar to ESQSites?
Yes. Please send an email to ESQSites containing the following required information:
1. Your Domain Name:
2. Your First and Last Name:
3. Your Email Address:
4. Your authorization code or EPP code or Transfer Key from your current registrar
Transfers of Domain Name management can occur when all related monetary accounts are in good standing, not locked, authorized, etc. Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Transfer Instructional.
Alternatively, you may call 877.ESQ.Sites with your above four compiled answers and we will gladly assist in the transfer.
Can I transfer my Domain Name management from ESQSites to another registrar?
Yes. Transfers of Domain Name management can occur when all related monetary accounts are in good standing, not locked, authorized, etc. Please see ESQSites' Domain Name Transfer Instructional.
Please send an email to ESQSites containing the following information to release your Domain Name:
1. Your Domain Name:
2. Your First and Last Name:
3. Your Email Address:
4. Reason for Release:
ESQSites does not automatically cancel your hosting service when you transfer Domain Name management out of ESQSites' care. Please see ESQSites' Cancelling Your ESQSites Account Instructional.
Can I take my Domain Name with me after I cancel my ESQSites Account?
Yes. ESQSites can release domain name management to you. Please see ESQSites' Release a Domain Name FAQ.
Remember, if you choose to handle domain name management on your own, be avid in avoiding any lapse in payment.
How often do I have to pay for my domain name registration?
Depends on your desired length of time. Typically, domain name registrants select time spans of 1, 3, or 5 years. There are other term lengths.
Can I register multiple domain names?
Yes. It's very common for companies and individuals register multiple domain names (i.e. registering ESQSites and ESQSites123). It is logical to implement search domination and optimize marketing efforts. You still have to pay for each Domain Name registration. Sometimes, discounts are available for bundling and/or longer term lengths.
Please see ESQSites' Point Multiple Domain Names to Your Website Instructional.
Can I have multiple Domain Names point to a single website?
Yes. This is how marketing efforts are optimized. This typical method of "pointing" all registered Domain Names to one live website allows for simplification. Please see ESQSites' Multiple Domain Names FAQ or Point Multiple Domain Names to Your Website Instructional.

Please open the Domain Names Point to One Website PDF version by clicking the image, this link or on the attached PDF listed below.
For other related topics, please see SEO or Hosting.
Thank You for using ESQSites.
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