What is hosting?
Hosting is a service provided by companies to "charge rent" for file storage on their servers (large computer towers), allowing customers gained access to the stored programming (i.e. ESQSites' easy-to-use interface) and data (your website files) for manipulation and allows websites to be visible on the internet via a network connection; Visibility also requires a properly completed Point-To.Imagine renting a "parking spot" for your car. Web hosting companies are essentially parking lots for websites with your web files residing in a specific location.

Please open the What Hosting Servers Do PDF version by clicking the image, this link or on the attached PDF listed below.
Does ESQSites offer hosting?
Yes. Every subscriber of an ESQSites' website has web files stored at a precise location on our server allowing content entry and updates anytime. ESQSites can host your website for as little as $9.95 per month. Please see ESQSites' Pricing Plans for a range of packages.
Can I host my website elsewhere?
No, we are here to "Serve" you! ESQSites, not any other 3rd party server, must be your exclusive hosting provider because our servers not only store your website files, but also allow access to our easy-to-use interface (i.e. Dashboard, Editor, Templates, etc.) When you subscribe to ESQSites for a website, you are getting the necessary hosting service required for others to view your website on the internet and access to our system development programming. Please see ESQSites' Pricing Plans.
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For other related topics, please see SEO FAQs or Domain Names FAQs.
Thank You for using ESQSites.
"Web design and hosting service for legal professionals."