If your contact information has changed, whether you have moved to a new business location or changed your phone number, you will want to update that on your site.
To do this, you will need to be logged into your account. For instruction on how to log in, please see ESQSites' Logging In and Out of Your Account article.
Once you have successfully logged into your account and you are viewing the member dashboard, click on the “Website Info” icon.

Within the "Website Information" page, click the “Edit Info” button to be taken to the "Edit Website Information" page.

Here, you can change your Website Information which includes your contact information.

After you have made the desired changes, click the “Update Info” button at the bottom of the screen and your changes will take effect immediately.

-End of Topic-
For other related topics, please see the ESQSites Update Your Billing Information, Logging In and Out of Your Account, or Forgot Your Password? articles.
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