STEP 1: You will need to log in to your account. Please see ESQSite's Log In to Your Account Instructional.
![Log In](../images/login_panel_colordash_151b61.png)
STEP 2: After successfully logging in, click on the “Pages” icon.
![Pages Icon Your Website From Dashboard](../images/pages_icon_your_website_from_dashboard1ad2.png)
STEP 3: Next, from your “Website Pages” page title list, select the page you wish to format by clicking the "edit" icon. You can also scroll down to select the "Add A New Page Button".
![Page Title Edit Pencil Icon from Action Column](../images/edit_page_title_select_pencil_icon_action_column2b93.png)
![Your Website Pages Add a New Page](../images/your_website_pages_add_new_page_buttond8e6.png)
STEP 4: Under the "Page Type" Heading Area, select your desired page format from the drop-down menu.
Please see ESQSites' Available Page Fomat Types.
STEP 5: Once you have selected your Page Type, scroll down to click on the “Save” button OR "Create Page" button and the information will be instantly updated on your site.
![Your Website Pages Page Type Save and Create Buttons](../images/your_website_pages_page_type_save_n_create_buttonsc971.png)
STEP 6: To view the newly applied page format, click on the “view site” icon from your dashboard or from the “pull down” menu as shown below.
![View Template Selection with View Site](../images/view_site_icon_dashboard_pull_down_menu1b41.png)
-End of Topic-
For other related topics, please see ESQSites' Edit Page and Title Settings or Change Your Template or Available Page Format Types.Thank You for using ESQSites.
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