STEP 1: You will need to log in to your account. Please see ESQSite's Log In to Your Account Instructional.

STEP 2: Click on the "File Manager" icon from your Dashboard.

STEP 3: Select the folder you would like to sort your item into: Files, Images, Flash or Basket

STEP 4: Click the “Upload” icon and a folder from your computer will automatically call up.

STEP 5: Once in your desired folder, select the item and then click on the “Open” button.

STEP 6: After the "Add Files" Time Line indicates a loading completion, your item's thumbnail appears is now ready for page content insertion.

Note: Right-click on an item to: View, Download, Resize, Rename, or Delete.
-End of Topic-
For other related topics, please see ESQSites' Create an Email Forwarding Account Instructional or Create a "Send As" or Alias Email Instructional or How to Apply Page Format Types Instructional or Available Page Fomat Types.
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